Spring DWA

 Is Too Much Never Enough?

“I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs.Fitzgerald but your daughter had been diagnosed with stage 4 leukemia,” as I heard those words come out of the doctors mouth my heart dropped. My sweet little daughter Kate, sick? How could this have possibly happened? What could I have done to deserve all the pain that this will cause me and all of our friends and family? From this book readers will learn about a family who will do the unimaginable, one of the members of the Fitzgerald clan who happens to be exactly my age, thirteen, is faced with a judgment that threatens to tear her family apart piece from piece. My Sister’s Keeper, by Jodi Picoult, has a beautiful storyline that will lure you in like bait and will keep you captivated from the first word to the last.

There are 6,840,507,003 people in this world. Although that may seem like a lot to you it’s not. According to Livestrong, a company devoted to helping raise money for cancer treatments and research, cancer can strike at any moment and if doctors don’t diagnose it quickly there are consequences: 1,479 people die every day from some form of cancer, everyday 3,483 are diagnosed with some type of cancer, and everyday 7,564 people are hospitalized because of cancer treatments. In addition to all of that the main concept that people have to grasp is that cancer is not something to joke around about, cancer can kill. Nevertheless I am just one person out of the 6 billion others that resides in this world and is trying to change it and prevent it from dulling on tragedies like cancer and death.

Even though that the statistics of cancer are a good thing to know another important thing that impacted the main characters in my book was family. They are the people who have been there for you in the past, the present, and will still be here in the future. Likewise your family is not something that you can just run away from, your family are the people who stand beside you and help you through every obstacle that comes your way. Family is my world: they support me through everything that I’ve ever done, they pick up my spirits when I’m having a bad day, and they cry for me when my heart is broken.
The family aspect in this book plays a huge part in the overall storyline and plot, but Jodi Picoult the author also uses symbolism a lot to explain things like the setting to readers. This book would be a considered a tragedy according to bookreviews.com, a website that has people from all over the world express their opinions and feeling about books that they have recently read. For example on page 321 Picoult talks about how after one of the main characters dies it continually rains day after day: constantly raining is on the tragedy list for the Symbolism chart located on Pewaukee School Fusion. The author also describes the setting as scary because the Fitzgerald family is frequently in the hospital trying to support their sibling and daughter struggling to fight cancer. The symbolism in this book is impossible to ignore.

With all the interesting twists to the plot and a story that makes you cry and smile at the same time, My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult will keep you turning page after page until there’s nothing left. How the author came up with this aspiring topic to write about is something the world will never know, but after reading this novel it will instantly become one of your favorites. My Sister’s Keeper is a book that all teens and adults can relate to; it makes you feel like you are not the only one who has to deal with hard times.