Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Am I proud of My Country?

Author's Note:" I wrote this because of my love for this country. If I learned anything from writing this it is that love is infinite, you make more when you need it, but that doesn't mean you have to take any away."

Am I proud of my country? The better question would be, how could I not be? Over the years that I have had the pleasure to live in this extraordinary country, my love for it has grown stronger than I can even comprehend. Every time I think about how amazing this country is I lose my words, this topic is just that powerful. 

Our country has been through so much that it is almost hard to not be proud of it: the Revolutionary War that separated us from England or the grieving faces on the historic day of the 9-11. Tears ran down our citizen’s cheeks as the bombs exploded viciously during World War One and Two. Maybe even the Civil War that almost tore our country apart. Whether it was winning a war or just a Fourth of July parade, we never forget what our country has gone through.

Although the U.S.A.’s history is very important, a lot of people do not realize where our country is today. Sometimes I feel like our country is on top of the world, almost similar to defying gravity. The United States is doing so phenomenal. We have freedom, our choice of religions, free speech, and a democratic government.  Some people don’t always agree with our government but no one can deny the fact that our country has reached an unthinkable level of achievement.

The waving of our flag, saying the pledge every morning at school, or singing our national anthem at sports events, all are great examples of the love that we have for our country. Voting during elections shows that we care about our country and the fate of its future.  Or maybe you display your love and devotion for the United States by celebrating Veteran’s day.  In all different ways we show our appreciation for our country.

This topic is just that powerful, every time I think about how amazing this country is I lose my words to describe it. In the years that I have gotten to experience to live in this country my passion and love for it has grown stronger than I can even comprehend. It wasn't easy to get to the status that our country has reached, it took hard work and dedication, but in the end it sure paid off.

Friday, October 7, 2011

School Uniforms

Author's Note: " I wrote this essay about school uniforms because I think schools should get rid of uniforms."
It was Mandy’s first day of school, and she was beyond excited. A new school meant a new start and Mandy was very much looking forward to that.  She had chosen to wear a green v-neck top with a white camisole underneath. Mandy wore Abercrombie jeans and lime green shoes.  Also, clasped around her neck was a white rhinestone necklace. She had gone to the mall the day before to find the perfect back to school attire. As she walked into the front door she took a deep breath and then gasped. To her surprise everyone in the school was wearing the exact same school uniform!   Schools should never have the right to make kids wear certain clothing; therefore the school uniform policy should never occur.
 The school uniform policy is completely unfair. If children wanted to wear uniforms they would ask to, but no one wants to wear uniforms. Everyday kids are being forced to wear clothes that they do not want to wear. Children should be able to vote if they want uniforms or not. We live in a democracy, do we not? It just isn’t fair that kids aren’t even given the opportunity to vote. The world could be a sad place if the era of the school uniforms does not end, but it isn’t too late to make it better. It all starts by getting rid of the school uniform policy.
 Although many people have strong opinions for having school uniforms, other people feel students should be able to express themselves by choosing their own clothes. Children should be able to wake up every morning and pick out any outfit they want. They shouldn’t be limited to anything. Also as they are growing up they are trying to figure out their interests and their likes. Kids already have so many restrictions in life, why add one more? Why make their lives more difficult than they have to be? Children like options, they like possibilities, they like being able to dream big. If you take all that away from someone what do they really have left? Children need to have the opportunity to wear uniforms or not, the school should not make that decision.  Kids should wear whatever they want to school.
Kids should wear whatever they want toschool, but schools should stop following ridiculous codes. For example at some schools you cannot wear black nail polish or have hair extensions. That is just wrong. You should be able to paint your fingernails any color you want. No one should tell you that you can’t paint them black, or any color for that matter. Can schools really tell you what you can and can’t put in your hair? It should be your decision.  Maybe you want to get a pink hair extension for breast cancer, but your school won’t let you. Are you just going to sit back and do nothing about it, or are you going to fight for what you believe in. It’s your hair, so it should be your decision. Schools should stop following insane codes.
 The school uniform policy should never occur; schools should never have the right to make kids wear certain clothing. School administrators should keep in mind that school uniforms end up taking away our personal liberties and our rights.