Friday, May 31, 2013

Never Loose Hope

Author's Note: " I wrote this piece as an analysis piece. In it, I am analyzing the conflict and resolution of a creative piece that I have recently wrote and how it is similar to the plot of The Notebook."

Surprisingly enough, writing a creative piece is actually a very challenging task. One must describe the setting in vivid detail and explain character personalities and characteristics with clear and precise language. Also, when writing a creative story you need to make sure that your dialogue is interesting otherwise it will bore readers easily. Writing a fictional story also requires your thinking and problem solving as well, you must figure out how you want the plot to twist and turn to keep readers excited and attentive. While writing my latest creative story, "Forever", I had to consider all of this. In my story the conflict and resolution are very clear and the conflict in my story is very similar to that of The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. 

The conflict and resolution in my story "Forever" are very obvious. Clearly, by reading my piece you can figure out that the conflict is person-verses-person because Sarah must battle against herself and her feelings for Alex. Ultimately she wants to be with Alex but she knows that she must go back with her family to their home back in Virginia. Yet, throughout the short story she is debating and fighting herself and her own emotions on whether to stay or depart. Ultimately she chooses to go back to Virginia with her family, but years later Sarah and Alex meet again and they fall love and live happily ever after. Basically, the conflict is that she has to leave Alex and the resolution is that they meet again and things go back to the way they once were. I chose the conflict of her leaving in the story because I have a friend that is going to move soon and I thought that since I could relate to this that it would be easier to write. Also, I chose the resolution of them meeting again because I wanted the moral of the story to be to never loose hope. Even though Sarah had to leave Alex, they never lost hope that they would one day be reunited. In my story, the conflict and resolution are very apparent and the reasoning behind both of them and very sentimental to me.

Clearly, the conflict in the story that I wrote is that the girl must make a decision based on what she wants which is just one of the many examples of similarities between my piece and The Notebook. Also, Sarah, similar to Allie in The Notebook, is a very strong-willed young teenager who loves to have fun and enjoy everything that life has to offer. Another example of the similarities between both pieces is that the plots in both of the stories are pretty much identical: the girl has to make a choice and leaves the boy and then in the end they end up together and everything works out. In fact, when I was writing “Forever” I somewhat based the plot off of events that took place in The Notebook. Not only are the girl characters between the two medias similar, but the male leads are too: both Alex and Noah are the strong and quiet type, and also both boys are not afraid to show how they feel. They are both very in-touch with their emotions. The novel The Notebook written by bestselling author Nicholas Sparks, and my piece, “Forever”, are extremely alike and share a similar plot and the character’s characteristics and qualities.

In the short story, “Forever”, the conflict and resolution are very apparent and also the plot and characters are a lot like that of The Notebook. What I want people to take away from “Forever” when reading it and The Notebook is too never loose hope, because if hope is lost, you have nothing: absolutely nothing.   Everything will work out in the end just how it’s supposed to and everything happens for a reason.

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