Friday, April 26, 2013

Privileges Lost

Author's Note: So this morning I was in a creative mood and felt like writing this. I hope you like it, comment what you think!

My name is Noah, and I am blind. "How does it feel,"  you may ask. It feels empty, like something is missing, which it is. I can experience every other emotion or feeling that life has to offer but I cannot see.  I cannot see the leaves change colors and drift off the tall oak trees in the autumn wind, I cannot see the salty ocean water crash into the rocky shore, I cannot even see my own wife anymore. All these things that I just mentioned are privileges, privileges that I do not have, privileges I have lost.  A wise man once said, "You don't realize how vital something is until it is gone."  He speaks the truth, for I know first hand what he is saying, I have lived what he is saying. I may never get my sight back, it may be gone forever, but I will never stop regretting taking the natural beauties of this world for granted. This world is filled with wondrous things, things that I can no longer see or experience. Things that you shouldn't take for granted like I did, things that you should appreciate. Because some day, when you die, you will wish you hadn't taken all those little things for granted. 

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